Health News and Information

  • schoolnursescareforkids  
    REMINDER:  When your child will be absent from school, please call the attendance line at 201-796-6250 and leave a message that your child will be absent and whether or not you want homework sent home with another student or if you will pick it up at 3:05 pm in the main office.  You can leave a message on the attendance line 24 hours a day.
    We've had a great start to the new school year.  I thank everyone who handed in their required medical forms and immunization records as requested.  I will begin heights, weights, blood pressure, vision and hearing screenings in the next few weeks.  This screening process will take place over the next several months.  
    Parents of students entering Grades 3 and 6 in September:  A physical exam letter was sent home with your child in June.  This recommended physical exam does NOT need to be completed by the start of the school year.  It can be done any time during the school year and given to me after the exam.
    All students who wear eyeglasses or contacts received a vision form in June to bring to their eye doctor during the course of this school year when they go for their next eye exam.  Please have your eye doctor fill it out after your eye exam and return to me when complete.  If your child went for their eye exam over the summer, please ask your eye doctor to fill the form out with information from that visit.
    The USDA recently changed the Food Pyramid into a Food Plate.  The new recommendations and a picture can be found at  Some new rrecommendations include:
    Balancing Calories--Enjoy your food, but eat less.  Avoid oversized portions.
    Foods to Increase--Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.  Make at least half your grains whole grains.  Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk.
    Foods to Reduce--Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals and choose the foods with the lower numbers.  Drink water instead of sugary drinks.