• Social Studies

    The goal of the Social Studies Department at Saddle Brook Middle School is to study the decisions of the past and present in order for our students to become responsible citizens and participate in the formation of a better tomorrow. Through the study of history, our students will gain insight into the complexities of national and world issues and understand potential consequences of actions.  Each facet of our curriculum offers students an extensive knowledge base, critical thinking skills, progressive mastery of oral and written communication, geography skills, appreciation of artistic and cultural pursuits, and numerous opportunities to examine and discuss values and ethics of the global community and the American society. In order for our democracy to continue to grow and become more inclusive, we need a participatory, educated, and responsible populace.

    Students in 7th grade study Ancient History.  Saddle Brook Middle School 8th graders study Civics and American Government.

                                                                   James Pellegrini 7th/8th Social Studies Teacher   jpellegrini@sbpsnj.org

                                                                   Michelle Nosch: 7th Grade Ancient History Teacher  mnosch@sbpsnj.org

                                                                   Ed Ciccone:  8th Grade Civics Teacher  eciccone@sbpsnj.org

                                                                   Adair Fleming:  7th/8th Social Studies Teacher   afleming@sbpsnj.org