• Science


    The Middle School Science Department strives to engage students in learning that extends beyond the classroom setting. All middle school science courses are centered around a hands-on, inquiry-based curriculum. Students have the opportunity to deepen their learning by seeking answers to the questions they develop. 

    Our goal is to nourish our students’ love of science by providing hands-on, real-world opportunities for them to learn and grow through the following classes:

    • STEM/STEAM (7th and 8th)
    • Life Science (7th)
    • Physical Science (8th)

    The department sponsors the following extracurricular activities for middle school students:

    • Environmental Club
    • STEAM Club

    Kostas Paragios: Special Ed. Science - kparagios@sbpsnj.org   

    Ellen Josephson: 8th Grade Science - ejosephson@sbpsnj.org 

    Stephen Villareale: STEM/STEAM - svillareale@sbpsnj.org

    Suzanne Forlini: 7th and 8th Grade Science - sforlini@sbpsnj.org