The Alliance of Private Special Education Schools of New Jersey
Formed in 2011, we are an alliance of more than 30 state-approved private special education schools in Northern and Central New Jersey dedicated to helping parents and educators better understand and access appropriate program options in special education.
Allied Wealth Partners
The Allied Wealth Partners Special Needs Division was established to serve the unique estate planning and financial considerations of families with special needs
The Arc of New Jersey
The Arc of New Jersey is the state's largest organization advocating for and serving children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. The Arc of New Jersey is an affiliated chapter of The Arc, and community-based services are available statewide through our strong network of Local County Chapters.
The Arc of New Jersey Family Institute wants to help you navigate the system. If you or a loved one is in need of services but you are confused or unsure about how to proceed, please click here to submit a Problem Intake Form. You can also download a copy of the form by clicking here. Once we've received your information, we will contact you to provide assistance. To speak with someone directly, call 732-828-2022. -
Bergen County Special Services
Welcome to the CAPE Resource Center. We serve the special needs community by providing access to information, resources, services, educational opportunities and referrals to help you navigate the special needs world. Our website contains some valuable features and benefits so you as a caregiver/family member, professional or an individual with disabilities are more informed.
Bergen's Promise
The goal of the organization is to keep "Healthy Families, Safe at Home." Bergen's Promise provides exceptional Wraparound Care Management services to keep youth and families physically and emotionally safe.
Our services are built on the family's strengths and delivered through a strong, coordinated network of community based providers. We strive to provide the highest quality of care that will produce the most positive results for the youth and families we serve. -
Bergen ResourceNet
Your source of information about support, resources, and services for families in Bergen County. Stay informed of the latest information on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Bergen County Health Services Department.
Disability Rights New Jersey
New Jersey’s designated Protection and Advocacy agency under federal law. We advance the human, civil, and legal rights of persons with disabilities and promote their self-determination, independence, productivity, and integration into all facets of community life.
Disability Services & Advocacy, LLC.
Our mission is to provide people with disabilities, their families, and the organizations supporting them disability support coordination services to effectively assist people with disabilities in leading happy, productive lives. We promote the values of independence, community integration, personal choice, and self-advocacy for people with disabilities, supporting every effort in reaching their personal goals.
NJ Department of Human Resources
The New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS) is the state’s largest agency. It serves about 2.1 million New Jerseyans, or about one of every five state residents and one out of every three children. We serve older New Jerseyans, individuals and families with low incomes; people with developmental disabilities, or late-onset disabilities; people who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind; parents needing child care services, child support and/or healthcare for their children; people who are dealing with addiction and mental health issues; and families facing catastrophic medical expenses for their children. Through our eight divisions, we provide numerous programs and services designed to give eligible individuals and families the help they need for economic and health challenges. They include health insurance through NJ FamilyCare or Medicaid, food assistance through NJ SNAP, independent living supports, personal care services, and much more. We hope you find our information and resources useful as you go through our website.
RUTGERS University Behavioral Health Care
Our Mission...
Rutgers Health: University Behavioral Health Care is dedicated to a mission of excellence that includes, the delivery of evidence based and compassionate behavioral health and addiction services to individuals and families across New Jersey, advancing the science through programmatic research, and educating the next generation of health care professionals. -
SPAN Parent Advocacy Network
Our Vision
SPAN’s vision is that all families will have the resources and support they need to ensure that their children become fully participating and contributing members of our communities and society.
Our Mission
Our mission is to empower and support families and, inform and involve professionals interested in the healthy development and education of children and youth. -
Spectrum Care Management and Counseling
Spectrum Care Management and Counseling is excited to continue our interactive series of Zoom events! These are live, interactive nights to promote inclusion, socialization, and creativity!
Come experience some of the services you’ll be able to participate in once you enroll in the adult world of Support Coordination. Please join us for an experience you won’t forget! -
Stages Learning
Angela Nelson, a UCLA trained ABA Therapist, founded Stages Learning in 1997 when autism diagnoses first began to rise. Our top-selling autism education product, the Language Builder Picture Cards, was designed to specifically meet the learning needs of children with autism. The research-based Language Builder Series has become a staple in home and school programs around the world and Stages Learning is now the premier developer of learning tools for children with autism.
Now headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Stages works with faculty at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, providing an incubator for graduate students who are working at the intersection of new research and learning technologies. Applying innovative research and design strategies, Angela and her team, all graduates of the Harvard Graduate School of Education's "Technology, Innovation, and Education" program, have designed new online tools for language learning, including our popular Language Builder App.