Our PTO Executive Board:President: Sara MielnickiVice-President: Kelly PolicastroRecording Secretary: Diana McCarthyCorresponding Secretary: Jennifer KrivcaTreasurer: Kristie ZottarelliEmail Contact: SBFranklinPTO@gmail.com
🎄☃️Franklin School PTO News December 2023🎅⛄
Come join us! We would love to have you! Scroll down for all our links
Next Meeting 12/12
Please support our students and the PTO. Proceeds go 100% back to the students! Earn Prizes for reading! Sign up here:
💤😴Pajama Sale - Shop Here😴💤
Holiday Spirit Wear - The GRINCH is here!
Holiday Shop 12/13 and 12/14 Students can shop for their loved ones
We need elves…6th graders come help out! https://2023-cookiesandsanta.cheddarup.com
Drop Off Movie Night -
Presented by the 6th Grade Committee
Save the Date - Monday 12/18
Start your wrapping or finish your shopping while your child enjoys a Holiday Movie!
Join the PTO Here: https://fesptodues2324.cheddarup.com
Please fill this out even if you are paying by check, paypal, or Venmo
PTO Member Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FES07663/
Questions?? Email the PTO at SBFranklinPTO@gmail.com